Are you looking for assistance or resources for an individual who is struggling on their road to recovery?
Ron Hill

Ron Hill

”I am so excited to find that Kansas City has somebody’s passion as Lou’s about building Be Free, about really understanding that we need a community to help sustain recovery journeys.”
Sharon Weber

Sharon Weber

The Haven at College is the nation’s most respected collegiate recovery support provider.  They were scheduled to begin providing services at the University of Missouri Kansas City for the Fall Semester 2020.
Bethany Andell

Bethany Andell

Savage Brands of Houston, a for-profit corporation is one of the nation’s leading private sector branding, messaging, marketing, and culture-building agencies. They provided $50,000 services grant to Be Free to work on these elements.
Brandy Izquierdo

Brandy Izquierdo

SAFEProject is a national nonprofit working a collaborative, multi-pronged, and non-partisan approach to end the nation’s catastrophic addiction epidemic. SAFEProject combats the epidemic in 4 groups, SAFE Campuses, SAFE Communities, SAFE Workplaces, and SAFE...